Ark5 Lol That's NOTHING. My comp right now has... 52? And If you have "Security Tool" "Personal Antivirus" Or some other "Antivirus" Tell me. It's most likely a major virus. I had it. If you delay it too long theres no safe mode. Which means your computer is screwed.
cr15py Lol my computer is fine with 52 viruses. I think 5 are trojans and 2 adwares and 3 ransomwares. Either way. He's fine unless those "Antivirus" show up.
tutut125 Norton took security tool away? That is a shocker. I guess it's good for something. I had to get rid of it the old fashioned way. (Safe mode FTW!) I guess mine was more severe... at first I though it helped but I saw it say "Get rid of Explorer.exe" and I'm like shit... It's a virus trying to kill my computer. So my antivirus' didn't work cause it blocked them. Had to go to safe mode to get them to work. Just alot of work if you let it pass by.
Edit: And even in safe mode. It blocks most virus scans. I know a free online one. That worked.