alexthesax no beta ALPHA and this is diffferent in alpha fuse has to burn at extreme temps. this would burn normaly exept its slow and no annoying bits +1/2 it would be useful but nothing stands out still a good idea
Tutut, that was my bad, it is almost 10 pm and I'm not thinking quite straight, it is alpha not beta. But still, we have fuse, we don't need a million different fuses.
Ark 5, i had the same idea (see element surgestion page in the wiki) But i think it ould be cool if it spewed out sparks, and had a high burn temp, and speed.
I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I mean really. Is is so hard to just once in a while check it, before making, and it is even in your post, so I think a little more research would be beneficial before posting about suggesting elements. It is not that hard to just check the commit history on github, you don't even have to download the source. I do not think that we need multiple fuses, and the current fuse is still in development, I highly doubt that it is 100% finished, it still needs tweaking. We do not need another fuse.