Where is the powder.h file?

  • GAPDaTsar
    30th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    When every time I download the powder toy I am trying to find the powder.h file.  I can never seem to find it to edit elements or create new ones.  Does anyone know how to find the powder.h file?

  • mniip
    30th May 2012 Developer 2 Permalink
    maybe you should download source?
  • Felix
    30th May 2012 Member 3 Permalink

    It's a urban legend, in reality it does not exist.

  • boxmein
    30th May 2012 Former Staff 2 Permalink
    It's in Source/includes/powder.h
    But if you want to add / edit an element, the element list has been moved to Source/src/elementdata.c

    Just a hint to you: Adding elements in Powder Toy means programming them in a programming language called C.
    Or, you could "replace" existing elements with Lua, but that's a different story at all.