Erasing problems

  • biostars
    27th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    For some reason, sometimes the only thing I can put on a save is erasing particles, and not much else. Even if a different element is highlighted by the left-click (red) rectangle, and I'm left-clicking, it still erases paricles. I can't even make walls! Can somebody help me with this glitch??

  • Uberness
    28th May 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    You may be pressing ; and activating replace mode. 

  • TinyWolfie
    28th May 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    Check in your HUD -press h- And see if you see |Caps Lock|

    Capslock makes all buttons delete.

  • AngrySpam
    28th May 2012 Member 1 Permalink
    @biostars (View Post)
    No glitch...if anything i'd say you have accidentaly hacked into a top secret military base and are trying to launch the nukes while tpt window is open -.-

    Anyway, the problem *most likely* is that you had caps lock on, it will tell you up at top left, if you dont see it, try pressing the 'H' button, dont you like all my commas, so sexy, right, olololol, weee!?.
  • biostars
    9th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @TinyWolfie (View Post)

    Thanks for the help! I checked Caps Lock to see if it was on, and it turns out that it was! Thanks again!