Strange Mac issue

  • TysonKan
    27th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Here is my situation: I am using my mom's mac laptop (everything up to date on it) to play TPT lately because my windows laptop was freaking out and being slow. [please dont start a war over your preference. I don't care what you like better, there are reasons to buy each] While playing (on the mac), I noticed that the ctrl+Mousewheel (normally vertical cursor resize) would simply zoom on the cursor's position, and Shift+Mousewheel (same as ctrl, but horizontal) would just flat out not work. This annoyed me for a while, but I quickly got over it. However, a few moments ago I discovered that the Shift+Mouse did actually work, so long as you used the multitouch scrolling on the touchpad. This makes me wonder: 


    Am I the only one with this freakiness going on?

    How can I make both short cuts work?

    Can I make them work with a wireless usb mouse?




  • Felix
    27th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacksonmj: unhelpful
  • mniip
    27th May 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacksonmj: unhelpful
  • jacksonmj
    27th May 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    From searching the internet a little bit, it seems that ctrl+mousewheel is zoom and shift+mousewheel is horizontal scroll. See if you can find some mouse options and turn the relevant ones off (I can't give detailed help, since I don't own a Mac).

    The operating system is probably intercepting ctrl/shift+mousewheel events and turning them into zooming/horizontal scrolling, preventing them from reaching Powder Toy.

    You can also resize the brush using the square bracket keys [ ].