is there any option for this ?

  • Darkwrist
    27th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    i want to know that is there any option for deleting a save which is saved in our hard disk (ctrl+save button) which is also used to publish our saves.and what is water equalisation test?cant get it what it does.and last question can we also erase a particiular wall from a bunch of other walls like elements?

  • boxmein
    27th May 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @rodo (View Post)
    Water equalisation test is an experimental mode by cracker64 which lets water behave properly in U-tubes.
    image image
    I don't think that Insert mode works for walls. Try ctrl+shift+clicking the specified wall to erase the block.
    Hard disk saves are deleted by going to TPT-Folder/Saves/ and deleting what you want. UI doesn't let you do that. (Yet?)