This is just an idea, but I'd like to propose that the element palette be customizable (i.e. detachable from the sandbox etc). Firstly, how difficult to implement would this be? Secondly, add any variations to the way the screen is set up that you would like to see.
Sorry about that, yes, my proposal is to have either a optional feature on tpt or an official add on that people can customize as there are quite a few requests for functions that would clutter up the current display or slow down the app. This fits in with ideas such as bchandark's stopwatch and information centre ideas as if the optional features ran seperately but in conjunction with tpt they could run without slowing down the main display...i's just an idea, feel free to contribute.
Raw If we split the menu from the game it's GOING to cause more lag. The game will have to communicate with that new window therefore making it do something it normally doesn't have to. Making it slower. Good idea, just, not the easiest to implement without lag.