console problems with life particles

  • Someone64
    16th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    I can convert any non-life particles to a life particle but not vice versa. When I try it it says, " particle does not exist". (e.g. !set type dmnd maze ... it worked. !set type maze dmnd particle does not exist)

    edit: using the prop tool works though.
  • keperitan
    16th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    All life particles are essentially one element (LIFE), but they differ in their ctype. For example, MAZE is LIFE with ctype MAZE. So to convert MAZE to sand, type !set type life sand. To convert sand to MAZE, type !set type sand life followed by !set ctype life maze.
  • Someone64
    16th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @keperitan (View Post)
    How come I don't have to do that when converting an element to life? If this isn't a bug, the console should allow converting life to non-life elements with the easy method. (!set type "life ctype name" "element")
  • boxmein
    16th May 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    If you ever look at the code, you'll see that every life particle is condensed into one super-particle called LIFE. Its ctype property will tell which variation it is.