hey guys :3 i want to ask how i can make a glitter effect on lcry. i've seen a save in the game where a tutorial is, but i hadn't understand it ^^ please help me :u thx c:
Do you mean a randomized pattern of on and off LCRY to make a glittering effect? If so, then just run electrons through the patch of LCRY to randomly activate and deactivate the element. That's the only type of 'Glitter' that I know of, besides just running alternating NSCN and PSCN alongside of the LCRY.
EDIT: After you run electrons through the LCRY until the pattern is satisfactory, add a 1-pixel thin line of PSCN on the top half of the LCRY, and another line of NSCN on the bottom half. Run 1-Way current though it, and BOOM. Also, having WIFI in the corners of the PSCN and NSCN is good.