how can i make links

  • Ezio2173
    9th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    How can i make links you know how you have those little blue links and you can click on them to go to a simulation that is what i want to know because i do not know how to make them
  • boxmein
    9th May 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @Ezio2173 (View Post)
    Oh, haha.
    If you want to make a link to another page, then use this HTML tag <a href="INSERT PAGE URL HERE">insert text here</a>
    Replace INSERT PAGE URL HERE with the site link, for example
    Replace insert text here with the text you want to display, for example derp.
    If you want to make a link to another save, then use this TPT tag:
    You can make the squiggly line by either copying it from (If you want to show it without the save box popping up, use &#126;
    Replace SAVEID with the ID of the save you receive from either here
    or here
    (Click on the pic for full-res!)
    And the end result would be something like this: