Batch program

  • yew101
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hi, i have made these simple but useful .bat files,
    There are 3:
    Copy.bat(after you add the source to copy from it copies every single file into the folder of the .bat file)
    Close Powder.bat > also a .exe file of it Closes Powder.exe/powder.exe/powder-sse.exe/powder-sse2.exe/powder-sse3.exe)
    Close Internet exploer.bat > also made a .exe file of it (closes all internet explorer windows)
    here are all the 3:
    -latest link-
    look at my latest post to see new things
    tell me what you think!
  • Xenocide
    20th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Should be a CMD file for anything after Win2k :P

    The zips empty btw
  • yew101
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    -updated link-
    yeah im only new to batch so i do not really know much codes/coding
  • Cr15py
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    In order of speed(slowest to fastest):
    -Batch Programming
    -system(char*) function in C/++(other languages too but C/++ is optimal)
    -Windows API
    In order of simplicity(complicated to simplest):
    -Windows API
    -batch programming

    Now, system() calls are going to be slightly faster because they are compiled programs and don't have to be accessed from a file and read, they are also extremely simple. Windows API is going to be MUCH faster than any other option because it uses the same functions that CMD batch interpreter uses, without the need for parsing, lexing, and interpreting(also it's compiled).
  • yew101
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    here is a new link the the updated more efficient copying program as a Copy.exe file instead of a .bat
    (super_mario helped me with it(he goes to same school))
    - P.S. the password is "alex" -
  • donkeyPOOP
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    good job, but the COPY file might need a bit more to make it a bit more professional.
  • yew101
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    yeah i have just finished working on one,
    password still=Alex
    New things to test:
    at start = wrong password
    at start = hlp command >> it takes you to a set of instructions
    in instructions = code return or a random word that it will not recognize
    after logon= the commands Q(quit) or start(continue on)
    after copying files = continue(Y= continue copying-N=Finish program)
    And that's about it.
  • Aizria
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Very interesting. I once made a batch file that asked for a target IP address and then performed a netbios attack on the provided IP, dispaying a list of the target's shared drives and asking which one to map, then asking for the name of the drive to map it to on your machine (eg. X:\). This all assumes, though, that there is already an open pathway of some sort (eg. on same private network, firewall compromised, backdoor in place, etc...). I'll try to post the source tomorrow.
  • Finalflash50
    20th Oct 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • yew101
    20th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    its a type of coding program that runs of cmd.exe, it is simple and fast, but not quite ad much uses s C,C++ , etc