this aint really a suggestion but would sound ever be possible in powder toy ( just a question) like maybe we could have speaker when sparked makes a tone type thing or like in oe cake sounds for water. ?????
1. timer when finished makes a ding 2. instruments 3. alarms 4. detail 5. something new
if people want sounds why not its a game for the community and people would love it i can see were your coming from with sound beinng a a tough cookie to code but maybe have a beta to test it and make a thread for people t give their thoughts if they like it or not!
Exactly. We would need pre-recorded sounds AND a whole nother part to the website holding those sounds. Atleast, I'm guessing. You can correct me if I'm wrong. But, I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
We would need pre-recorded sounds AND a whole nother part to the website holding those sounds.
Website part=easy. We'd just really need to start selling stuff instead of joking about it. Pre-recorded sounds=not to hard, look up anything on Google or Microsoft has free downloadable sounds. For music there's