New elements

  • -Troll
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    QSND. Eats particles entering from above. Is made when sand is mixed with large amounts of water. Turns into sand and water under heat.
    GERM. Spreads slowly to all particles touching it. Gradually consumes them.
    NELC. Negative electrons.
    HRMT. Metal that does not melt. Heat resistant metal.
    RWST. Radioactive waste. Produced from plutonium.
    RBRY. Reachargeble battery. PSCN gradually reacharges it. NSCN uses the charge.
    FRAG. Explodes into BOMB.
    SEMX. Semtex. Sticks like GBMB then explodes like BOMB.
    QURK. Quark. Mixes with each other to make PHOT, ELEC and NEUT.
    O2CE. Oxygen ice.
    LUA. Type a command in with a sighn tool. When sparked by PSCN it will send that command into the console.
    PCOV. Powered converter.

    New mode: It is toggled on the menu and its called EROSION. It simulates breaking solids at a speed according to water velcity. Also ABRASION.

  • AngrySpam
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    QSND. maybe, but you could use conv and BHOL creativly...
    GERM. Basically virus, which has been reject an uncountable number of times.
    NELC. uses?
    HRMT. Metal that does not melt. Heat resistant metal.
    RWST. Uses?
    RBRY. maybe, but why woulld you have an element for this when you can have the fun of making one in the game?
    FRAG. TNT?
    SEMX. Why cant it explode like DEST? xD
    QURK. Uses? and what does mixes with each other mean! D:
    O2CE. Is this even possible? i know tpt isnt supposed to be real but this? lmao :P
    LUA. this is a great idea ;)
    PCOV. so basicaly powered CONV? meh, make yourself :P

    New mode: Sounds good :/
  • The-Fall
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    That level of simulation is beyond our programs ability. Errosion implies liquids would steadily break apart solid objects, and that code is not either compatible or possible in TPT. Materials in TPT dont have a "Weight" so to speak, or a velocity that is accurate enough, to implement this we need particle rotation (Which we dont have) particle damping (We dont have this either) material information sufficient to simulate real time physics such as material stress and strain (we dont have this at all).

    Your Ideas are good, however the "new mode" is impossible with this program, and would require a complete re-write of TPT code.
  • dulix11
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    QSND- sounds like void

    GERM-virus, ive suggested this, rejected

    NELC-what do they do?

    HRTM-ive suggested this, but god i dont care THEY NEED TO ADD THIS


    RBRY- this sounds good


    SEMX-did u get this from mw2 or black ops? real semtex isnt sticky

    QURK- sounds alright

    O2CE-i dont get it

    LUA-im not into the console. i have nothing to say

    PCOV-nothing to say...

    oooo. i like the sound of EROSION

    also make sure you give us the details, like what category its in, colour etc





  • code1949
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @-Troll (View Post)
    IRON rusts into BMTL which rusts into BRMT...
  • Minishooz
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Go lua! Go lua! Go lua! but rechargable batteries can be made with other elements. GERM = virus in AntBs mod :)
  • MasterMind555
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    NELC. Negative electrons.

    You mean Positrons
  • Ulrik54
    16th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    I think QSND means quicksand. DAAaaah!
  • Catelite
    16th Mar 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    QSND. Eats particles entering from above. Is made when sand is mixed with large amounts of water. Turns into sand and water under heat.

    Liquid Void like this would eat itself, as well as any additional sand/water used to make it. XD

    GERM. Spreads slowly to all particles touching it. Gradually consumes them.

    Also called Virus element. Exists in several mods. :P

    NELC. Negative electrons.

    We have enough elementary particles, we're doing well to find uses for the ones we already have x__x

    HRMT. Metal that does not melt. Heat resistant metal.

    We have like, four of these in the game. If that fails, apply spark to silicone elements.

    RWST. Radioactive waste. Produced from plutonium.

    This would be neat but, what would you do with it? =/

    RBRY. Reachargeble battery. PSCN gradually reacharges it. NSCN uses the charge.

    It doesn't take much electronics to do this. o_o

    FRAG. Explodes into BOMB.

    BOMB already explodes into BOMB. x__x

    SEMX. Semtex. Sticks like GBMB then explodes like BOMB.

    Not sure what the point of this would be, though I could see it being kind of neat. Implosions. :P

    QURK. Quark. Mixes with each other to make PHOT, ELEC and NEUT.


    O2CE. Oxygen ice.

    No. XD

    LUA. Type a command in with a sighn tool. When sparked by PSCN it will send that command into the console.

    I think, there's already a way to do this? @__@

    PCOV. Powered converter.

    Maybe but, isn't CONV already overpowered? =/
  • mniip
    16th Mar 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    LUA- hell, no, do you know ppl can make a lua virus? I can. Thats why noone of devs agreed on attaching scripts to saves.