:D You may throw in any of your ideas'mods'element mods as well if you would like.
Solid dirt when mixed with water makes mud. When preasurised makes dirt(Powder)
Dirt. (You COULD make it so that it would create soil in some way but I dont really care what dirt does lol)
Soil. absorbs water and retains the water untill a seed or plant steals it
a seed that grows a upward growing plant.
And the plant will not take over watr like plnt does it will grow upright.
and the plant should drain the watr from the soil
Rich soil aka soil with sufficient amount of watr.
when plants die, it creates soil
give plant a finite amount of life, requiring it to be watered regularly, change soil when the plant depletes it of its
minerals, plant will slowly grow towards sunlight (Make a star element of some kind? for a sun. make it create sun
rays if possible?) when plant gets too much sunlight or not enough watr in a serton amount of time plant turns to withered plant then to soil after dead plants life is up
wood also finite amount of life, when wood dies it becomes dead wood and then soil
(This is in a way a dupe post because Massacre Toy's mod thread had this information on it as well) But it is not a dupe post. This post is asking for help creating them the other post is simply showing my ideas.
I agree, Going for the more simple elements would be my best shot. But quite honestly. Dirt would be the only (Simple enough for my noobness) Element on there xD.
@MassacreLand(View Post) Solid dirt + dirt shouldn't be hard Soil isn't hard with some experience Seed + Grass. Pizzaplatypus (boo hoo! Gone forever) made a nice version of these, again, not hard when you know what stuff means. Rich soil, with enough experience, just use the life value of soil The others become a bit more complex
Solid dirt and dirt should not be hard. I agree. Dirt is just a powder and solid dirt is just a powder that will break into dirt under pressure.
Soil. Soil will be a little hard for me to do. But I am sure there is someone on TPT Either willing to help create it or help me learn enough coding to do so my self.
I would love to get ahold of the seed and grass lol.
And Rich soil. Well That one should be a little easier only because all you would be doing is making it absorb watr and give it away. But I will take quite a long time to accomplish most of these things.