Sorry for making so many threads. So I created a couple new nuclear elements similar to Plutonium, however while plutonium creates neutrons under pressure my new elements do not, I copy the basic structure of the PLUT.c file into these new elements and I cannot seem to find where in the PLUT.c code that makes Plutonium react under pressure, as of right now my new elements only react when they are in contact with neutrons. Again sorry for all of the questions
I know there is a code in the NEUT code, you are misunderstanding the question, I am already getting my new elements to react with NEUT, but I can't seem to get them to react like PLUT does under pressure
@star400040(View Post) Make sure you followed all the steps in the Wiki You MUST Indicate which file updates the element ( It's the last field in the very long defining lines thing ( Looks like &update_<yourelement> or something ) )