heater and cooler for DLAY,WIFI ect

  • BLISax
    23rd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    So i coded an element that when sparked it will heat the DLAY elements around it. so for multi-speed engins. and computers i thought it would be usefull so... here take a look

  • BloodLust
    23rd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    depending on how well it actually works this could be BIG, i mean you could have a computer that would more or less have the ability to "reprogram" itself o_o

    and the best part is ppl cant say "then go code it " as you already have XD
  • Pilihp64
    23rd Sep 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    That code there is a bit off... you have way too many + and - signs in there, and there's no need to write out each possible DLAY position, just use some more for loops. :)
  • BLISax
    23rd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    This was just a test if it could be done. I have already made the code work with WIFI, PRTI, PRTO. now just those for loops. im use to C++ so i have to adjust a bit. so expect the code to be updated with in the week :)

    edit: pastebin has been updated with the current version workeing with for loops
    edit2: I also have been testing it on my version the TPT and it works, just need to look at other elements for how to code in INSL :) I think i may upload my version
  • cctvdude99
    23rd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    multi-speed engins.

    How would a DLAY heater help this? Surely a counter would acheive the same effect, swapping from 1 DLAY to another, more delayed DLAY?
  • BLISax
    23rd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    im sure that could be done, but this might take up to 50 particles to do, but with this new particle it can be done in as little as 2 particles + spark. not to mention that computers would be able to change things on the fly instead of doing it with the heat and cool tool. This will lead to smaller and more powerfull computers. and it will make logic more advanced, smaller and easier to make. just imagine that a peice of logic needs to comunicate with 6 WIFI channels, now currently you would need a bunch of switches, but with this particle it can be done as easly as 6 sparks.