Way to set tmp, tmp2

  • FrenkeeS
    3rd Feb 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Hi, is there another way to set tmp, or tmp2, ctype etc except property drawing tool? i would like something like when DTEC change wavelenght of FILT base on incoming BRAY wavelenght. 

  • CeeJayBee
    3rd Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    You can use the console command:
    !set <type, ctype, life, temp, tmp2, tmp, etc> <element> <value>
    For example:
    !set life sprk 9000
    would set the life of all SPRK on the screen to 9000.
    Edited once by CeeJayBee. Last: 3rd Feb 2015
  • FrenkeeS
    3rd Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I mean, something what would be controlled with electronic particles not manually 

  • Sandwichlizard
    3rd Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    A command particle has been rejected numerous times due to the possibility of viruses.  You can however use DRAY to duplicate an already programmed particle into place.  like what I do in my "automatic digital thermometer"  DRAY is copying the TSNS up infront of the PSTN.  each TSNS particle is programmed for a different temp.

  • QuentinADay
    3rd Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    If you have the script server + manager then download the Simple Command Block script

  • DanielGalrito
    3rd Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @Sandwichlizard (View Post)

     How can a simple command line create a virus?

  • jacob1
    3rd Feb 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @DanielGalrito (View Post)
    If it allows lua you can run random code on the person's computer. That isn't even the primary reason though, if you search for 'cmnd' you'll probably find more reasons.

    @QuentinADay (View Post)
    Technically it's still called the "Script Manager" (:
  • boxmein
    3rd Feb 2015 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @DanielGalrito (View Post)
    os.execute("shutdown /s /t 0 /f")

    Here's a quick Lua script (yes, valid in TPT on Windows) that forces all programs to close and shuts down the computer.

    os.execute("taskkill /F /IM Powder.exe")

    Here's another Lua script (also valid in TPT on Windows) that closes all instances of Powder Toy instantly.
  • FrenkeeS
    4th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    How about creating a particle(call it PROP - property particle) that will change only property of particle like type, life, ctype, temp, tmp, TMP2, nothing else. It can be based on how i said, when bray with wavelenght value hit PROP than PROP change property of particle in this direct max 2 pixels away. The type of property can be set with ctype of PROP ( CTYPE=type it will change type of particle, CTYPE=life will change life of particle, CTYPE=tmp will change tmp etc...) and value to set property will be the wavelength of bray
    I can't imagine how many stuff we can create with this.

    Edited once by FrenkeeS. Last: 4th Feb 2015
  • FrenkeeS
    8th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    bad idea ?