Jacob1's Mod, tpt's longest lasting and most popular mod. My overall goal isn't to add a bunch of elements you can forget about, it's to create a more stable tpt version with lots of new features and improvements not fit for the official version, such as embeded TPT Multiplayer and Script Manager, multiple tabs, improved UI, and more.
As of 2025, this mod is in a transitional period where future updates and feature parity aren't guaranteed. It's been really fun developing the mod for over a decade, but, it takes up too much of my limited time. Due to the way the codebase is, I can't merge in changes from vanilla, I have to copy every code change manually. It's a lot of work, and there really isn't a point anymore. But, this mod is still my active daily driver. I will instead work on adding anything from my mod into vanilla in 2025, and discontinuing it once everything I care about has been moved over. I'll give updates on progress once I actually start doing that.
Major Features *Entirely compatible with the official version *Updated often with an in-game updater (updates hosted by cracker64 on starcatcher), also has a bug reporter *Recent elements shown in favorites menu *Extra "FAV2" menu with many options *Customizable HUD's *TPT multiplayer script by cracker64 embedded inside *Script Manager by me / cracker64 embedded inside *Number of votes displayed on saves, and timestamps displayed on comments *Automatically save and reload your work after a crash *Open multiple simulation tabs at once, each tab has a preview and name when you hover over it *Ctrl+s saves a reload point, so you can reload even when not online *Moving solids that have collision and rotate *Statistics about how much / often you play, and current save statistics *Add Lua code into saves, with a sandbox to prevent malicious code *Redesigned console with text that never overlaps and scrollable history. *9 new elements *Many more improvements and features not listed here
Recent Changelogs Version 58.0 2024-12-20
Updates from tpt++ 99.0, including new changes to the online save browser and various other sim fixes
Separate Rendering Thread is not included
Update to tptmp v2.1.2
Version 58.1 2024-12-30
Change internal version number to 99.0
Version 58.2 2025-01-25
Update to TPT version 99.1
Various simulation fixes from TPT 99.1
Rewrite Login UI to modern interface style, now shows messages before / after logging in, similar to how vanilla TPT shows login errors
Make mass stamp deletion a little easier to use
Version 58.3 2025-02-08
Update to TPT version 99.2
Fix Newtonian Gravity not working sometimes after reloading a save
Fix conduction failure when stacking certain powered electronics and conductors on top of each other
Fix a few issues in certain tool-related Lua APIs
Version 58.4 2025-02-21
Change version number to 99.3
Backport minor airsim / CAUS changes from TPT 99.3
Known bugs: Please report bugs in this thread or on GitHub.
Source / older versions Get older versions here. This includes every released version since version 1 (the originals, rescued from my USB drive). The file "DLL's.zip" may be required for some of the original versions. The file "msvcr100.dll" (at the end) might also be required for some others.
Help / More Info To see detailed explanations of some of the new features/elements this mod has, or for a complete version history, look at the readme
The favorites menu has been the center of most things in the mod, since the beginning (now in official version). To "favorite" an element, ctrl+shift click it from any menu, and it will get a yellow heart on it. To unfavorite it, ctrl+shift+right click it instead. Any recently used elements also will appear in the menu for the duration of the play session. If you click the MORE button, a new menu will appear with more options. HUDs are customizable using the HUD2 button. The FIND button colors whatever element you have selected red, and dims everything else (now in official version). The INFO button displays statistics about how long and how many times you have played powder toy, your average and highest FPS, and info about the current save. SPIN controls whether moving solids can rotate or not, it may be a little ugly. REAL toggles realistic heat mode, which adds latent heat and several other things (made by savask years ago, not up to date). DATE toggles the date format used for comment timestamps. HEAT and LUA are explained in the readme.
I will add moving solids next, and then I will start adding new elements. I will take any suggestions, no matter how hard they are to code, and if I like it, I will try to add it in.
ZOMG!!!! Are you sure this isn't going to run at 1 fps?
I have moving solids in my Lua script, go to the lua section of the forums and click on the topic favorite elements menu. Once you have it, just draw EQVE. It's a little glitchy, but it won't create any lag at all.
Just wondering when will the next update come cause personally i really cant wait n for a suggestion: For your lua mod make it where you press a button under special called "FAVS" n then it will bring up all of your fav elements instead of already being there which is kinda crowded
@Atrayin(View Post) The update with the moving solids might be finished this week depending on how much time I have. If not, i'll do it next weekend. Also, I added what you said to my lua script, if I understood you correctly. There is an arrow you can click to hide/unhide the menu, and it looks cool when you click it.