@watereye(View Post) RIME is ice that doesn't break under pressure, so you could use it to make an ice bunker ?_? -- but then you also got to look at other elements like SING, which has not many uses outside a sanbox context other than destroying things =/
@therocketeer(View Post) SING can be used for bombs, destruction and other stuff. SING is pretty cool. You should try make a box of wall. then add qrtz in. Then erse one dot and put in SING. Watch it go.
Rime does something pretty cool looking (not sure if it's actually useful though). I don't want to have to explain it since I'm terrible at explaining so I just made this save so i don't have to.
The current version of TPT seems to write to stdout.txt a lot (several megabytes of stuff sometimes). The first several lines are probably because of the thumbnail caching thing, but then the rest are lines like -6.066711 -32.789429 -46.052429 -4.180664 -54.335205 -10.814697 -62.997253 -2.402954 What's up with this?
@abczyx123987(View Post) My fault >_<, building now, expect build 137 in the next 10 minutes.<br/> It was something left over from BRMT in development.
What the hell is Rule 15? I saw a bunch of post removed on a thread saying "Rule 15" and I look and there is no rule 15 for forum posting. It only goes to rule 13. Am I missing something or what?