i will try reinstall later
Looks like this build requires Rosetta to run on mac. I compiled your repo using TPT compile instructons, but the app warns me of unsupported version of TPT and asks to go ahead and download from this here thread. What do if no want Rosetta?
It might just be the urs updater thinking that you are using a different version of tpt because you forgot to set the mod id correctly. Can you send a screenshot?
Changes made in v52.0:
New element: (To be added soon)
Major update to URS, much more simple and now supports scrolling changelogs.
Make GLAS strengthening reaction more controllable and not so arbitrary
.tmp2 is now shown for all the elements
Big update to .tmp sensor (can now detect all sorts of .tmp properties, modes changed with .tmp3 values)
Update wiki with new information (read wiki for new .tmp sensor changes!).
Customise URS to properly support mac os updates
Increase fuel limit for SPSH, improve graphics.
Fix MIST and SPSH getting accepted as a valid ctype for CLNE and other elements.
Fix status being accidentaly set to online when it's not.
Fix introtext not hiding hud completely.
Unify icons - the new icon looks similar to the old, but is now the same across Windows/Mac/Linux
Render options now match vanilla one again, will be fixed properly in future.
Add Lua support for partial sim updates
Add warning while performing mod resets.
Fix the zoom window producing out of bounds coordinates
Fix lag when scrolling local save browser (it now caches thumbnails again)
Fix local browser offering to open broken saves
Unify icons - the new icon looks similar to the old, but is now the same across Windows/Mac/Linux
Fix possible crash when flood filling with particle limit filled
Fix glitchy behavior when flood filling solid particles around detect wall
Add evt.beforesim and evt.aftersim for running code only when simulation advances
Add sim.updateUpTo and sim.lastUpdatedID, for handling partial sim updates in Lua
Add sim.historyRestore and sim.historyForward
Add underline escape sequence to text renderer (\bU)
Note: You won't be able to see in-game changelogs while updating because of some internal changes. Also, some other features were not included in this update.
Download Links: Windows 64 bit || Windows 32 bit || Linux 64 || MacOs
Which platform are you on?
There's absolutely no difference in terms of performance between my mod and the official version.
(Also, dunno why but I am getting a strong feeling that this is a troll account).
Hmm, you are the second person ever who has reported it. Can you post the screenshot? Also, the updater requires permission to overwrite files and stuff can you make sure that it has all the permissions to update stuff inside powdertoy folder?
Can you try the below steps:
Make a new folder, name it whatever you want
Put the mod exe inside it
Rename it to testmod.exe
add a powder.pref file next to the executabl. (Note that the extention and the name should be exactly powder.pref and not something like powder.pref.txt)
open the mod and try to update it (if no update notification is shown then try cr-menu>control centre> Force update option) and report back if it works.
Edit: okay the above steps worked. For anyone else who faces error mentioning filedone should try the above steps for now. I will look into it later and it will probably* be fixed with an upcoming update.
Which version do you use the 32-bit or 64-bit? Do you notice the lag on a particular save or is this drop visible under normal conditions too? Try disabling some of the fancy features like water equalisation, newtonian gravity and fancy display modes. Also, there's a performance mode under Cr-menu try enabling that if everything else fails.
New element: RUBR (rubber). Read wiki for more information.
Match v97.0 beta.
Add ability to change votes.
Add temperature scales option, controls whether Celsuis, Kelvin, or Fahrenheit is default in the HUD, PROP tool, and console
Configure the mod name, window title and app id.
Fix colours for http links being shown wrong
Note: This is a beta update, although I made sure that everything works but if you notice any issue and/ or bug then please report it in this thread or official save.
Download Links: Windows 64 bit || Windows 32 bit || Linux 64 || MacOs
My antivirus flags this as a virus and deleted it. Should i download the mod again?