An element suggestion? Ok!
My suggestion: Helium
Info: Helium with symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas and the first in the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling and melting point are the lowest among all the elements. It is the second lightest and second most abundant element in the observable universe (hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant). You can make helium orange in color. Also, this is not a element suggestion, but I would like for you to add a setting called "liquid nitrogen can vaporise to nitrogen gas" and for the default, its off. It is friendly to vanilla saves and makes the game better.
strage matter:
glowing red and blue (randomly change to red and blue, and the hotter it is the faster in change color)
-Starting temp is 1200C
-Turn the element it touch to strange matter
-Will decay to quark slowly if not under pressure (pressure need to be above 150)
red, and glowing a bit
make white trail
-Starting temp is 500
-Move like PROT[proton]
-Decay to PROT[proton] and NEUT[neutron or dissapear]
-Can past trough other particle
-Create pressure
-Starting temp is 22C
-Attract metalic element
-Become BMTL[breakable metal] when sparked (or when it melt become molten BMTL[breakable metal], melt at 2000C
RAYC: element that controlled by arrow keys and raycasts, if right or left arrow pressed it gonna change direction.
It displays 3d view in small window near elements panel. this window is dragable.
Element is grey.
FLCL: floats like gas and clones
LQCL: liquid that clones
PWCL: powder that clones
FILL: filling screen with ctype element
LATC: lke FILL but diagonal
PVPW: powered powder, acts like powder if powered
PVLQ: like PVPW but lquid
PVGS: like PVPW but gas
METR: like battery but output signal delay is cahnged by tmp
QTST: quantuum string, if touches element, makes it same setting velocity and eect the same as itself
TRIL: leaves trail behind
DC{LQ|PW|GS}: another versions of DCEL
AC{LQ|PW|GS}: another versions of ACEL
LQ = lquid
PW = powder
GS = gas
I have updated the Mac os links in main post and I am also sharing the new links here. All the Mac os users are requested to check out the same and report if it works or not. I have also made some changes to the URS updater to properly support future updates for mac.
Here's the link: MacOs
Also, the intro text might say v52.0 but it's more of the same v51.1 with some special changes.
Also, In case you haven't noticed an element suggestion (sort of competition) is going on for the next version of my mod. You are requested to submit the same either here in mod thread or on the offical mod save. The best suggestion will be picked and implemented in the next update. So far I have got some decent suggestions but I will be waiting for everyone to finish until 31/12/2022.
i have some more suggestions
Servos: This would improve building incredibily
Motors: Servos, but just a little different
Springs: self explanatory
Command blocks: This can do some cool things
add a object that expands and un expands and any thing it touches depending on the cornors of the object it would either pop the object or bounce off it, or make a "3d" object that interacts with 2d objects it would look cool even if it could lag the game
Custom Particle
A particle which you can change how it behaviour and etc via a little console, in how many directions it goes and such, the starting temperature.
If it goes through elements, like all or specific ones, or for it to have the same behaviour as PHOT for example.
If it "changes"(with the "s i mean that it won't fully change colours, just slightly get more blue, if it passes through a normal temperature FILT for example) colours like phot when it passes through GLAS/FILT.
Or, if it makes gravity like GRVT but isn't affected by it's own gravity.
And more as you may have some more even better ideas.
Subframe Kit
A tool that allows you to make friendly to post(as in it doesn't use a element that is only on your Mod) and that would help a lot with the dark subframe electronic stuff that is quite hard to do, and certainly would bring more people into doing frame-fast subframe stuff.
It would have a interface for what you need to do, from the simple(supposedly) subframe SPRKs to serialization.
CAFE - Coffee. (Liquid) Made by mixing CFEP and SLTW/SALT + WATR.
CFEP - Coffee Powder. A substance that is used in making CAFE.
if you're Bri'ish just call it TEA and TEAP
my tpt magicaly disapeared
i didnot found cracker 1000 mod it just disapeared completly
Must be santa!
Jk, are you sure it's not silly windows security thing that quarantined the mod?
I mean you can check the security/ defender logs to confirm.
Also, what happens if you download the mod again and try to run it? Do you see any warning?