Why should they remove a perfectly functional bit of code the will further silence the noobs that you despise so much?
Anyways, it seems that the visual effects of portal have been removed. Its not that big a deal, but they're boring without them. And if you used the deco layer on LCRY, it doesn't flash on and off when sparked with P/NSCN.
@Spektyte(View Post) Because all stickman or powdergame related suggestions have been rejected as long time as I can remember. It's just useless. I don't hate noobs (new user) I hate n00bs (older user who acts like a noob.
This new update is horrible, it has broken all the logos I have made. They have removed the portal effects. They ruined liquid crystal and the decoration layer. Heat display now has effects, which in my opinion detract from its usefulness. Nothing display doesn't display decoration layer, so I no longer have a decent, basic display to work on my projects. At least remove the visual effect from heat display, fix LCRY, and let nothing display show deco layer. Then this update will not ruin saves.
@ people complaining The update wasn't designed to be horrible and remove all of these things, it is a complete rewrite of how particles are drawn and provides a speed increase and makes the code simpler. Things like portal and LCRY effects weren't removed, they just haven't been added back yet. Eventually, everything will be re-added and the bugs will be fixed and everything will look almost the same again.
Also, a graphics legacy mode to go back to the old graphics can't be added. The old drawing code has been removed, and adding it back would make the entire code rewrite a wate of time to have done. Remember, this new update is just a beta, which means it will have bugs. When the powder toy comes out of beta, i'm sure everything will be fixed.