Cr-menu>Control centre>Cross-hair. Turn that off.
Hmm in what sense? Are you trying to say that it doesn't save the screenshots at all or are you referring to the part where it won't work in the way you want it to?
Please read the instructions I provided in my previous post which mentions the steps to access the folder where tpt normally saves those screenshots. It works fine for me.
thankia noble
So, this will be the last time I am giving detailed instructions if these don't help then sorry you will have to ask someone else.
I would like you to
a) report your OS (windows/ linux/ mac), the mod version you are running and,
b) follow the steps given below in exact order and then report back the results.
1 Open my mod
2 Press the "P" key on your keyboard a bunch of times
3 Open simulation settings (the button at the bottom with a check mark symbol)
4 scroll all the way down until you see an option called "OPEN DATA FOLDER", click on it.
5 It will open the directory where you will see all kinds of tpt files, among them there will be all the screenshots (the files that end with a .jpg extention) you just saved by pressing the shortcut key. Note that they don't save these in a different dedicated folder.
Says there is a virus.
@TheCombustionChamber (View Post)
Weren't you told previously there's no virus? I am almost positive you where told before. It's just Windows Defender false reporting it. Anyway, if you weren't here's this.
Yes, I know.
Sorry I don't know the answer to this one yet.
You can keep post the suggestions in the official save if you want, I don't mind it if you do it over there.
Anyway, v47.0 is out. It's more of a performance improvement update. I am too lazy to post changelog here for small updates like this. You get the changelog in game with the URS updater anyway..