Official Game Feedback

  • cctvdude99
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    9. I have absolutely NO IDEA how, but the are random instances where I would load a save (whether it be mine or someone elses) and all moving particles would be pushed away from a single, randomly placed spot as if there were a GPMP with the lowest possible setting placed there. The weird part is I can activate or deactivate Newtonian Gravity and it would cease right away.

    That's a bug in the release version too. If you activate then deactivate Newt. Grav., it fixes as the gravmap updates when Newt. Grav. is on.
    I think I know how it is caused.
    If a save has a gravity source in it, then you open up a different save that doesn't (and doesn't have Newt. Grav. on), the gravity hangs. As the gravmap is no longer updating, because Newt. Grav. is off in the newly opened save, it doesn't delete the gravity from the gravmap.
  • jenn4
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Spark is green in nothing display, fire is yellow, portals are invisible, figh just sucks,

    Other gasses look good specially noble when sparked.
  • cctvdude99
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    They should just revert all these graphics changes. They aren't good and they have many bugs...
  • jenn4
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @cctvdude99 (View Post)
    PLSM is pretty good, but others FULL CRAP.
  • therocketeer
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    bugs not mentioned:

    -PHOT has no glow

    -FWRK has no glow

    -and FIRW is retarded when spawned.

    Also, the new fire graphics are weird =/ I mean, Burning wood doesn't make a yellow flourecent flame. lol. Plasma is awsome though and so are the new gass effects.
  • jake2208
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Wow, there's a lot of negative feedback here o.o
    I know there are some things that aren't that good about it, like the yellow fire and the glitches, but that's why its called a >BETA<
    Personally I think the fire shouldn't be COMPLETELY yellow, but instead have its color depend on its temp.
    fire when its hot should be blue, when is VERY hot (as in just before turning into plasma) it should be white, when it's at its standard temp it should be reddish yellow, and red when its cold or just before death.

    And thank you for the info cctvdude99, and I think you're right, every time it happens is after I'm on a save with GPMP, and the effect is in the corresponding spot.
    Thing is, newtonian gravity is off every time it happens, and I only need to turn it on for it to cease, not on THEN off.
  • BloodLust
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    the fighters ACTUALLY DO STUFF

    they work like players, you have to put an element on their heads and they spawn it like players do

    fire works best with them tho , AND they only spawn the element when near the player ( kinda cool )
  • Atrayin
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I dont know if any one else noticed, but i like the new graphics for the lightning
  • MasterGeek
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Can the new graphics be turned off in the options menu?
    Also deco layer hiding not working properly it not hiding only way to hide is nothing display
  • thunder999
    4th Aug 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Photons need to glow again
    The new glow for firw needs to go
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