Version 50 beta feedback

  • lolzy
    21st May 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @vanquish349 (View Post)
    I kinda got boo'd off. Also I get bored of things that don't move too fast quickly. I just have a short attention span.
  • SimonTest
    21st May 2011 Administrator 0 Permalink
    Versionn 48.2b is out, diamond has been moved into solids and there's 2 new elements (Black hole and white hole) that use the new newtonian gravity. Message notifications in-game should be fixed.

    Also, if you're wondering where the old black/white hole went, they got renamed to VACU and VENT
  • vanquish349
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    my computer freezes when i get out of full screen, also is there much difference between the old blackhole and the new black hole
  • SimonTest
    21st May 2011 Administrator 0 Permalink
    Your computer freezes? could you elaborate?
  • vanquish349
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    well not exactly freezes but becomes very unresponsive, the global-menu doesn't load( Linux ) and i have to tun it off and on again to get it work right. also tpt also keeps on exiting when i am playing around with Newtonian gravity

    edit: i think it is just compiz crashing
  • The-Con
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    For me, The Newtonian display is visible all of the time, so
    Would it be possible to have the display for Newtonian gravity in a specific display (e.g. fancy, pressure, e.t.c.), rather than visible all of the time?
    I'm sorry if there's a reason why this wouldn't be done.
    I really like the Newtonian gravity though. It provides a nice alternative to pressure methods of push/ pull forces.
  • boxmein
    21st May 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    >For deco-display, add four things:
    1) ZOOM.
    2) Alpha in the background so we could see where the deco goes to.
    3) Alpha for the deco.
    4) "Hide deco" to save options.
    > Please, please, please...
  • limelier
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    The new WHOL creates negative pressure upon deflecting, and BHOL crates positive pressure, messing up stuff.
    Also I love how you can create an arch of floating stone using WHOL :D
  • Pilihp64
    21st May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    @tudoreleuu (View Post)
    They do not add any pressure at all, the resulting pressure is just from the movement of the particles.
    If the air is moving towards it, it will be positive, if it is being pushed away, negative.
    you can confirm this by using GRAV, which has no affect on air/velocity, and no pressure is made.
  • rirozizo
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    what is the message notifications in-game?????
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