I dont think cesium would be conductive if its life is constantly on a cycle and only every few frames for a single frame it would be 0.
...So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with leaving the great wall's backstreets?...
Well... It can take spark even if it has life >0. He will change to CESM(SPRK) with life: 4 and after that it will back to its basic version. Basicly, when SPRK touches CESM, it will ignore CESM's life value.
Conduction wouldn't work properly if all pixels of CESM could accept SPRK on any frame.
The SPRK would propagate forward, then create an infinite SPRK loop with any other pixel of CESM.
Ok, ok. I understand. Cesium doesn't need to have its life changed every frame. There's no life detector, so I can remove this feature and then It will conduct electricity like other elements.
There is a life sensor, LSNS. Check out the snapshots
Really? I take back what I said.
/ B U M P .
What? Why?
Can someone say something about it?