TPT Heirarchy (Serious Proposal)

  • randalserrano
    9th Oct 2013 Member 4 Permalink

    It seems this has been blown out of topic a bit and has become more of a moderator suggestion thread. My suggestion didnt imply giving anyone a chance to be a moderator. I was just saying there should be a seperate way of disciplining for every thing that can be abused. And giving people incentives to report such things being abused. as @jacob1 said, moderators have their own things they need to be doing and they can't constantly read all of the reports that get posted. There needs to be a way for trusted people to be able to read reports, sift through the ones that need to be handled by a moderator, and the others that arent as bad, they can take care of themselves. (removing a comment, tag, or things like that could be something a report viewer can do.) The way of being able to get a status like that is by posting true, detailed reports a certain number of times or at a rate that is acceptable and notifying a moderator about said reports. As for the banning thing I mentioned, I do believe there should be sepeate bannings for seperate offenses. Whether it be abusing tags, comments, or hate voting. Being banned form tpt all together is a bit much in my opinion. They should just be banned from using the things they abuse. But of course there would be exceptions for those who don't know how to be mature about things and decide to just abuse everything. Thank you for your thoughts about this and lets hear some new constructive ideas about this issue. Because it does need to be taken care of.

  • wolfy1339
    9th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink
  • lefouduroi
    9th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @randalserrano (View Post)


     "a bit much in my opinion" lol.


    but seriously, as I did say before, I believe we should increase the number of moderators we have and Make sure they are suitable for the job. Releasing the reports into the public, I believe would cause too much debate, whereas if you had a special group handling these things and make sure that the group is big enough to view all the reports, then more reports would be read and decided on. If there was ever a big issue or something a moderator would not know, then they would put it up to discussion of all moderators.

  • xetalim
    9th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
  • lefouduroi
    9th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @xetalim (View Post)

     I wasn't saying that, if you read carefully I said something of an elite group like moderators. I am completely fine with the moderator system, its just that we should increase the # of moderators.

  • Schneumer
    10th Oct 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    randeladblah blah blah (sorry)

    Yeah.......when did it turn bad? i think we don't need to add much to randerl soemthing's suggestion.....except maybe the report/award system. done.

  • lefouduroi
    10th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I still think it will cause too much debate if you just put it completely up to the public.

  • Schneumer
    10th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    well of course you don't! operation M'AM, SI (mod (or monkey) application messages, surveys, and interviews) the actual mods message people and survey them and pick them for the m'am, si (a little spanish... :)

  • lefouduroi
    10th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ok if you say so. si tu lo dices