I understand that there have been complaints about the number of moderators - specifically, there are not enough to spot all the minor infractions, copies, trolling and other irritations that go on a lot but aren't enough to merit notice. These small problems don't seem like a big problem at first, but when you look at the big picture - at just how much spamming, trolling, copying, and hating is going on - it suddenly seems a lot worse. Many people, some who have been on The Powder Toy for 4 or more years and who have dedicated hundreds of hours of time to us, are leaving just because of it. I myself, having once dedicated most of my energy to The Powder Toy and its Lua offshoot, have taken big breaks from it to wait for it to die down...but it just keeps getting worse.
I also know of many people who wish to be a moderator because of how much they could actually accomplish in a position of power, but can't because of how restricted that position is. Any community, especially one as vulnerable and in need of an authority as ours, should have a good support and moderation system, but right now, all we have is a group of 10 or so very busy people without enough time on their hands to watch over us. We are like a government with just a Congress and Supreme Court, and no law enforcement or small courts.
My proposal: There be something along the lines of a 'police force' that could be considerably larger than just the moderators, whose job it would be to look after the little things that the moderators are too busy to deal with. They would not have ultimate power like moderators do, but they would be able to give small penalties, and report people to a moderator for a suggested larger punishment. It wouldn't be a free-for-all: they wouldn't be exempt from rules like the moderators, and they themselves could be banned as easily as anyone else.
Technical Details: (Well, just suggested)
--Capable of banning up to 2 days
--Names listed in gray in the comment stream
--Capable of reporting either users or saves to a moderator
--Capable of viewing reports*
--Capable of viewing votes/vote source on saves*
I'm not sure whether the ones marked with a * are a idea; those should be up to the current moderators.
I know this could be hard to program into TPT, but I still think the results would definitely be worth it.
By the way, please don't get this thread taken down like you did last time; I'm actually trying to accomplish something.
The only thing I don't like is the fact people have the ability to ban. We already get complaints of wrongful banning for week long bans, but with smaller bans it could be an issue. We can't reverse bans/time taken away.
Second, I don't see many people here who could qualify for it. If one goes on a ban spree and we are not online, who will stop them? Not other members because they could just get banned too. If you disable mutual bans, then they'll just go for regular users.
The real solution is to have people just go around and report issues. I mean, won't these people have to patrol around anyways?
...more than half a year ago...
1.TPT system chooses active users (who comment, post a save, create or reply a thread more than once every week) for police.
2.To perform an action, such as ban, unban, remove comments, remove polices, there must be 5 polices from different IP address to vote this action to perform it, and each police from different IP address can downvote a ban (1 downvote needs 2 votes to be fixed). An action that's been downvoted by more than 5 poices is deleted.
so that nobody can cheat, or ban like you said.
capable of viewing reports (while other polices, mods can also read it, but polices and mods can talk on this report, such as what I did when I see this report, to prevent rissues)
Actually, reports can be read by anyone, it's not private thing
capable of viewing vote/downvote sources?
Even the current mods can't. Maybe after the mods can do this? Vote cheating is prevented by TPT system already.