Posting picture is simple HTML, but do not embed too large pictures or do so called "Imageposting".
<img src="Image direct link" />
<img src="Image direct link" width="100%" />
alt="This is an image. Sorry, but you can't see it."(Makes a text appear until the image is loaded, if it can be loaded)
title="Haha, you put your mouse on me!"(Makes a text appear under your cursor when you stop the cursor on the image)
I am going to bring this topic back. I really wanted this proton Idea to be implimeneted into the game. It had lots of positive feedback, and it seemed like a bright Idea. also, in the words of Catelite herself:
It's not really bad repeatedly suggesting things like this. If the idea floats around for long enough, someone who's proficient with the code end of the game might pick it up and run with it.
thanks boxmein :D
even if it is only when you have time
jacob1 also said he was going to code this...
um, no, cause im guessing its gonna be pretty hard to code, and defeats the whole 'protons can move though substances therefore can send signals across the screen' idea.
EDIT: er, maybe it won't be that hard to code... I was just thinking too fast :/
thanks again!