Cracker1000's Mod

  • Mangosss
    5th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink


    @Mangosss (View Post)

    Can you please stop commenting on everything I say?

    It's getting a bit annoying.




  • Apolovespowdertoy
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Aleast add lithium hydroxide

  • Cracker1000
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Apolovespowdertoy (View Post)

     Umm, I don't want to sound rude but we don't add elements with little to no use. I like preserving element slots. You are lucky that your sodium suggestion got accepted.


    Also, regarding what you said about the official dev/ mod. You shouldn't be sad if they reject your element. It's a big task to get a new element into official game these days, almost never happens unless you code it and it's really really useful.


    One of the main reasons I don't like the oxide suggestions is that you copy pasted the information from Wikipedia or somewhere but didn't think about how useful it could be made in terms of tpt. Making 100% realistic reactions and or elements takes away all the fun in most cases.


    So, in short you shouldn't be disheartened if it gets rejected, most of the suggestions face the same fate.

    I hope you understand.


    Oh, almost forgot you can always load a lua script mod using the inbuilt lua manager. There are tons of cool script mods that add elements to the game. You can also learn it and start making your own. Read the wiki on this website to learn more about it.

    Edited once by Cracker1000. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • Apolovespowdertoy
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by Sylvi: element suggestion spam
    Edited 6 times by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • Sylvi
    6th Aug 2022 Moderator 0 Permalink
    @Apolovespowdertoy (View Post)
    The author has politely requested that you stop suggesting these elements multiple times. Now I'm here to also ask you to please listen to the author's request to stop asking for these elements to be added.

    Again they've been more than polite to request that you no longer post those element suggestions, but you seem to have not understood the request to stop asking.
    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • Apolovespowdertoy
    6th Aug 2022 Member 1 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     OK!! I'll stop talking about them!

    @Cracker1000 (View Post)

     Also, I recommend some changes to the editor. Add state, 1- solid, 2- liquid and 3- Gas because there's a effect for gases and no able to make stuff liquid, add stabillity, adjusts how long will the element exist. And please make it when you exit the game and re-enter, leave this changes the same not the original element, I am saying make it permanent not temporary. In solid state, there is melting point and deposition point, in liquid state, there is freezing point and evaporating point and in gas state, there is condesation point and sublimation point.

    Edited 4 times by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • tasteslikewall
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Apolovespowdertoy (View Post)


    Why? Those changes you're now asking for seem to be base game changes, and you're asking a modder for them. And I wouldn't quite call it asking, but demanding. Generally, after a moderator tells you to stop, you stop. And if a developer asks you to stop, they're not likely to implement anything you say after that.


    That being said, I do have a question. So after playing around a little with coolant, I was wondering if it would be possible/wise to make a VCLT and SCLT, or vaporized and solid coolant, to have a more propelyne-glycol-esque ability for cooling capacity, essential a non-pressurized liquid form of RFRG that would allow us to make liquid cooling loops. Probably using tmp and tmp2 to set the freezing and boiling points.


    I am fairly new to TPT, so I could be missing a glaringly obvious element that has this function (besides water).

    Edited once by tasteslikewall. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • NF
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Apolovespowdertoy (View Post)

     This post seems very demanding and @Cracker1000 must do what you want. Life doesn't work that way buckaroo, only if it did. The author has politely told you to stop, demanding them to add and change the mod.


    To your liking, doesn't work like that, life in general doesn't work like that. I politely told you to stop, before you spammed a thread about useless elements. Now that the author is involved, you have stopped suggesting those, but now demand them to change the mod to your liking. 


    Don't you think you're overstepping quite a bit now?

    Edited 2 times by NF. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • Apolovespowdertoy
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed: enough suggestions for now
    Edited once by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 6th Aug 2022
  • NF
    6th Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed: enough suggestions for now
    Edited once by NF. Last: 6th Aug 2022