Cracker1000's Mod

  • Apolovespowdertoy
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    sodium can burn with oxygen which forms sodium oxide and sodium peroxide. Sodium oxide is a white powder 
    which melts at 1,132 °C and sodium peroxide is a yellow-white powder which melts at 675 °C, that reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and oxygen gas and reacts with carbon dioxide to form sodium carbonate and oxygen gas. Sodium carbonate is a white crystalline solid, soluble in water and melts at 851 °C.

    Edited 3 times by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 3rd Aug 2022
  • Cracker1000
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    V40.0 released!

    Windows 64 bit

    Linux 64 bit


    This update brings a new element called SODM (sodium).u

    Custom gravity modes.

    Update tptmp to v2.0.25

    Add support for showing changelogs to the URS system.

    Now it also shows the status while performing different update checks.

    Fix cross-hair not hiding properly when using different modifier keys.

    Fix colour code for EMGT.

    Various fixes from snapshot.


    Users who are already running v38.0 or above can udpate using the in-game update notifications.

    Edited once by Cracker1000. Last: 3rd Aug 2022
  • Apolovespowdertoy
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    will you add sodium hydroxide, sodium peroxide, lithium hydroxide and lithiun carbonate in the future? and the reaction of: 2Na + Cl2 = 2NaCl is in combustion and not oxidation this means it produces fire while reacting with oxygen. Nitrogen gas color should be blue. Because oxygen, hydrogen and etc int he game are coloured, nitrogen gas should be coloured in the game too. I know this is not realistic, but the background is black and you can make objects invisible by making the color of the object black. Also to mention, sodium reacts with oxygen which produces sodium oxide (Na2O). This time, it's oxidation and not combustion process so no fire is produced. Also, I am sad that the developer ingnores me when I send him stuff to change. So, please can you do this for me to be happy? So, I want you to change fire. In this game and most falling sand games, fire has only 2 elements which is fuel and heat but in reality its 3 which is fuel, heat and oxidizing agent. Oxidizing agent is basically the substance which is reacting with fuel to make combustion process possible. Oxiding agent examples are oxygen, chlorine, fluorine, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and are called oxidizers. I just saying make fire exist in these 3 elements present not 2, and oxidzing agents are not combustible.

    Edited 4 times by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 3rd Aug 2022
  • Cracker1000
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @Apolovespowdertoy (View Post)

     Maybe if you or someone else provides good uses for those elements. I like to preserve element slots by not adding elements with multiple state changes. I couldn't add much to the sodium element because of how quickly I had to release the update but you can suggest more uses for it. I would suggest reading the offline wiki for all the reactions I have added to it, for now.


    Regarding the Nitrogen colour, it's colourless in real world and I know TPT isn't about being 100% realistic but it's still fun to do it.


    Also, on a side note did you update the mod using the in game updater or did you download it manually?

  • Apolovespowdertoy
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    I updated the game in game but please change fire. Not all fires (combustion processes) can occur in oxygen because oxygen is not only oxidizing agent. This is proven when the reaction of sodium and chlorine is happening. There's no oxygen because the oxidizing agent is chlorine and the fuel is sodium. When sodium and chlorine comes together with no heat and reacts, that's oxidation and in reality, the reaction of Na and Cl is combustion so heat is required. So, when sodium and chlorine comes together with no heat, nothing will happen. If the "3 elements of fire is oxygen, fuel and heat" was correct, in the reaction of Na and Cl will be by oxidation not combustion, so your reaction in the game would be correct. But the 3 elements of fire is oxidizing agent, fuel and heat and oxygen is oxidizing agent. So the oxidizing agent in another reaction without oxygen like sodium with water, so the fuel is sodium and the oxidizing agent is water. Any questions?

    Edited once by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 3rd Aug 2022
  • Cracker1000
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah I made it a bit too powerful. I will fix the fire/ explosive property later. Also, umm what uses do you think the oxidised state could have? (In boundaries of tpt not real world).

    There is an oxidised state for it in the current version tho.

  • Apolovespowdertoy
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry, but I didn't understand your question ("what uses do you think the oxidised state could have? (In boundaries of tpt not real world)."). What do you mean by "oxidised state"?

    Also, as mention above, sodium is reacting with water so hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide should be produced.

    Edited once by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 3rd Aug 2022
  • Darkwrist
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Like what should the oxidised sodium be used for, apart from being a different coloured sodium element.

  • Apolovespowdertoy
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    You meant sodium oxide? okay, here's some uses: It is also used in the production of sodium hydroxide (which can be obtained by adding water to anhydrous sodium oxide). And more info about sodium oxide: Appearance: Yellow Crystalline Powder. Melting point: 1,132 °C. Solubility in water: Not soluble. Reactions: Sodium oxide reacts exothermically with cold water to produce sodium hydroxide but if fire is produced is unknown. The reaction of lithium and water has missing materials, and this video might help to add it: But please make nitrogen gas to blue color and make liquid nitrogen boil to nitrogen gas. The problem of  breaking all the vanilla saves that used ln2 as a coolant will be fixed when using console, replacing all liquid nitrogen to another coolant that you added to the game as light green liquid which is "CLNT". The reaction of sodium and water is incorrect. The reaction is: 2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2. The products are hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide. Add new states to mercury and promethium. Promethium melts at 1,042 °C, and mercury freezes at -38.83 °C and boils at 356.7 °C.

    Edited 5 times by Apolovespowdertoy. Last: 3rd Aug 2022
  • Eddisch
    3rd Aug 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks to your "Fix cross-hair not hiding properly when using different modifier keys." feature, I can't hide the crosshair.