@craZchick(View Post) And also it's easier than preventing people on voting for their own saves, now they already have, so it doesn't have to be prevented.
@jerrythebest(View Post) That is because it is checking if there is an INSL directly between the PSCN's, and depending on where they are positioned, it will either check the space with the INSL, or an empty space. It seems to check the spot more in the top right when there isn't a spot directly between them. It's technically a bug, but I wouldn't want to change how electronics work, and you would have to check 2 different spots instead of 1 to fix it.
And it looks like pacbrad found an annoying bug with the forums. I wish it was fixed, but I don't think it's possible, the dates on posts got corrupted when the April Fools joke happened.