I have no idea how to code this, but now I understand what seehp and ssc4k talking about. I wanted liquid just check the high level difference, but liquid have to check also the pressure on each surface and if space touching the surface is open or close. Its takes to much calculation power. But if somebody will make fast algorithm, it would open new door and new toys: pneumatics and hydraulics.
Tube End One Weight of particles -(minus) % of tilt away from gravity = force downward
Tube End Two Weight of particles -(minus) % of tilt away from gravity = force downward
% difference between the two values = ratio of height differences (well you might want to add the original forces) amiright or do i need to relearn most of my schoolwork
This actually isn't very hard to implement as some people think and say. What needs to be done is the powdertoy needs to be coded weight and mass because the game has none, once the came is able to acknowledge weight and mass then this effect should take place.
Rconover Do you code? If so sorry. If not, don't say things that you don't know. I am begining to code and I would have absolutely no clue what to do for that.
I just thought of a really simple way to do this. It would also work great with my moving solids. You make it so a particle when it collides with another doesn't just stop, it can push the other particle. the only question is would that actually work or would it just force the WATR out of the bottom of the tube
hmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. yeah it wouldn't work. the only way it would work was if a particle of water being shoved from the top would be pushed to a side so that way the water on the left side would move right and the water on the right would be pushed over and would have to move up or down but because the bottom is sealed, it would have to move up until the effect equalized on both sides! WIN!