It's not just a matter of "hard coding" it, he's saying that it's referenced in tons of files throughout the source and it would be stupid to go through and take a lot of time to edit them all just to have an insulator that doesn't do anything new but not burn
many things in this game that are not electrically insulative that should be. BRCK, WOOD, GLAS, DMND. if sprk is hard coded against insl why does insl not get in the way when sparking pcln or pstn?
it is annoying for PSTN but its good for PCLN. anyway, ceramics is a good idea.
>but there's plenty of electric components now... what else is there to accomplish?
I think this is a rather grim way of looking at it. Let me reply to this with an experience I had recently;
Someone asked me, (paraphrased) "Your user number 13? why are you still around?"
My answer to that question was simple; "To learn."
After all, life is about the journey, not the destination.
Well said.