CMND - Enters console commands

  • jacksonmj
    9th Oct 2013 Developer 2 Permalink


    they dont know what to do and all they get is a few words that pop up and vanish after 10 seconds when you start it


    Yes, the learning curve can be a bit steep for new users. The basics (click to draw something) are easy enough, but many other things aren't so obvious, and the wiki is a bit patchy. However, maybe start a new thread if you have suggestions on how to tackle this problem? Since I don't think a command particle would help. (External Lua scripts, or some C++ code, will probably be needed to make decent tutorials. A command particle is vulnerable to accidental deletion, or accidental clearing of the screen, leading to confusion about why the tutorial has suddenly stopped working. Plus simple "!set blah blah blah" commands probably aren't sufficient.)

    Edited 3 times by jacksonmj. Last: 9th Oct 2013
  • lefouduroi
    9th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Good Idea +1, but I really don't have any Ideas of my own as to fix it. That is why I am going to start a new thread putting this problem more into the light. Hopefully, with this thread, we will fix this problem.

  • Potbelly
    28th Nov 2017 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is bannedShow
    Edited once by Potbelly. Last: 28th Nov 2017
  • jacob1
    28th Nov 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Potbelly (View Post)
    This element is rejected. One of the reasons I like this thread is because I was actually arguing for it (from a developer standpoint), and jacksonmj was able to show why my ideas wouldn't work. I also like his point on page 3, "this is Powder Toy, not learn-how-to-use-Lua-and-console Toy"

    It's possible you disagree with the reasoning here, but that reasoning still stands and the developers are in agreement on it:
    We can't add this element because it would force us to lock all element properties in place. We change properties around often. For example, I swapped the QRTZ grow and color properties, anyone using CMND to force QRTZ to grow rapidly would have a broken save. I also removed a hidden feature of DTEC / others where it wouldn't start searching until .life dropped to 0.If CMND had existed, that feature could have been used in saves.
    We don't want to add this element because it would overcomplicate the game more than it already is, forcing users to learn how the properties work in order to make good saves. We seem to already be approaching that point anyway due to subframe, but subframe mechanics are also subject to change. The reactions in the game should be straightforward, X reacts with Y. Not X can change all the properties of Y and do other insane stuff that makes no sense to the user looking at the save. When you look at saves today, you can tell what is reacting with what. There is no "code" inside the saves changing things behind the scenes.

    It wasn't rejected because it's not "creative", if you got that impression you read this thread wrong.

    Anyway, I have zero faith I can convince you otherwise, based on your past logic. The logic you presented here is also full of misinterpretations, holes, and attacks. Please don't necro ancient threads like this again. I am locking this thread to preserve it.
Locked by jacob1: rejected