Solution, don't floodfill streamlines. I'm pretty sure I fixed this problem before... (and it just got fixed now)
Do you mean signs? Then that is known and also fixed.
No. Lets say I am going to comment "Applesauce" for no coherrent reason on a save. Lets say I right click it, and push "copy". I then go to another save, go into the comment section (remember, this is 100% on the TPT application) and I right click-paste. Nothing happens. That is my bug.
Copy/paste is only fully working on windows, Copy 'should' work on everything, but paste is currently windows only. Now if you are on windows and it isn't working...
Alrighty with the new Beta out, I made a decent changelog, so here
V85 changes/fixes
- Stamps save on a 1-pixel grid like they used to be.
- MERC expanding keeps decoration.
- Comments won't be deleted if you accidently hit enter or get an error.
- Fix possible crash when saving.
- Fix GLAS and QRTZ sometimes breaking when pasted.
- TNSN won't detect METL.
- CONV fixes, correct GoL type detection.
- Allow slightly larger brush.
- VOID, VACU, BHOL eat LIGH as it moves.
- Cursor drawn while drawing lines.
- Various Lua API fixes including:
Replacing update function is now optional again
tpt.selectedl/r/a works again, but now returns a string.
tpt.fillrect changed slightly.
tpt.hud, tpt.set_console, tpt.display_mode work again.
Right click is now 4 again for mouseevent functions.
- Local save browser can delete saves from right clicking.
- Signs are saved for ctrl-z undo.
- An option to save paused/unpaused when saving.
- A million (okay, almost) other background fixes.
Very nice bugfix update. Glad to see we have an exterminator company working on this.