Official Game Feedback

  • kagaku
    3rd Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cracker64 (View Post)

     I don't think it was hard at all, just hold a modifier key and paint over any other elements. Hopefully this makes it back soon, the feature is sorely missed!

  • thepowderguy
    6th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    You cannot cut signs. (they stay there instead of being deleted)

  • Oats
    6th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Forget the updates, I have a real glitch: When DMG hits a particle (like wood) next to a wall that is supposed to block everything (some of) the pressure it creates goes through the wall. This could be due to the fact that dmg is force creating

  • jacob1
    6th Jan 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @thepowderguy (View Post)
    it looks like I fixed this already, for the next version

    @Oats (View Post)
    I think this is that strange glitch we could never figure out on irc, and once we found it, it had a few uses (id:934913 )
    Maybe it should be fixed ... not sure. I haven't really tried fixing it anyway, except once but the fix didn't work. I also forgot exactly where the glitch happens now, but somehow velocity gets through walls.
  • flashgamer001
    7th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Just messing around, and I found a bug. Put down a chunk of ice and set its ctype to phot. Warm it up. It will quickly produce a pressure rise; most will disappear but some will fracture into snow which disappears in the next few frames. It causes a shockwave which rises to about 6.5 pressure in the center with cursor 14 clicks (of ]) above smallest. It's kinda cool actually, but still a bug.

  • Pilihp64
    7th Jan 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    @flashgamer001 (View Post)

    This is not really a bug, when melting happens, it changes its type to PHOT.  But because it was orignally ICE some values are not set to make every particle work.  In effect these photons have no color, and there is code to specifically delete black photons before they appear.  About the pressure I'm not sure what is creating it, state changing to an energy may be messing with something in there.

    EDIT: Found the pressure, photons are for some reason considered a gas, transistions to a gas create pressure.


    It would actually not be hard at all to give photons created from state changes a color, I'm not sure if this should actually be done, because photons would never be created from normal state changes in the first place.

  • thepowderguy
    7th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Also, when you try to cut layered materials it only deletes the first layer.

  • jacob1
    7th Jan 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    I updated the first post with a future changelog, since the next version is taking a while

    @thepowderguy (View Post)
    I know about this, I think I would like it better that way. changing it to delete everything would probably cause some lag, it would have to search every particle in the game to see if it was in that spot
  • thepowderguy
    10th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    TPT crashes when you try to fill an area with streamlines.

  • Hatter
    10th Jan 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I believe I found a bug. Whenever I copy text, I can't paste them. I can right click-paste, but it will not paste. Is anyone else getting this problem?

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