I want to someone evacuate my work.
If I can stop procrastinating I might make a github pull request and see what jacob1 thinks. Or he could just come here.
I hope he come. I made an altar for him.
So, what do you think about this?
Really? ;_;
I've made detailed suggestion, beacouse I want to be noticed by others.
Need someone to comment.
I've made a similar element in lua, here's the code:
local franc = elements.allocate("random", "FRNC")
elements.property(franc, "MenuVisible", 1)
elements.property(franc, "Color", 0xBBBBBB)
elements.property(franc, "Name", "FRNC")
elements.property(franc, "Description", "The most unstable element on the entire planet")
elements.property(franc, "Properties", TYPE_SOLID)
elements.property(franc, "Properties",PROP_RADIOACTIVE)
elements.property(franc, "Properties",PROP_CONDUCTS)
elements.property(franc, "Properties",PROP_LIFE_DEC)
elements.property(franc, "Properties",PROP_SPARKSETTLE)
elements.property(franc, "MenuSection", 5)
elements.property(franc, "HighTemperature", 300)
elements.property(franc, "HighTemperatureTransition", elem.DEFAULT_PT_NEUT)
elements.property(franc, "Flammable", 100000)
elements.property(franc, "Explosive", 1)
elements.property(franc, "Temperature", 0)
local function updateFRNC(i, x, y, s, nt)
selfID = sim.partID(x, y)
oldTemp = sim.partProperty(selfID, "temp")
sim.partProperty(selfID, "temp", (oldTemp + 0.01))
for r in sim.neighbors(x, y, 1, 1) do
if sim.partProperty(r, "type") == elem.DEFAULT_PT_WATR then
sim.partChangeType(selfID, elem.DEFAULT_PT_NEUT)
if sim.partProperty(r, "type") == elem.DEFAULT_PT_NEUT then
sim.partChangeType(selfID, elem.DEFAULT_PT_NEUT)
sim.partProperty(selfID, "temp", 10000)
elements.property(franc, "Update", updateFRNC)
This is Francium. A very unstable, explosive metal that:
Increases temperature by 0.01C every frame
Turns into max temperature neutrons if:
-Above 26C
-Touching NEUT
-Touching WATR
It is also very, very flammable
If there is anything else you want me to add, say so (I'll try and implement the things already in CESM)
Note: This is in Lua so it lags if too much is on the screen.
EDIT: Doesn't conduct electricity...