It's ok dude. I don't expect a five year old to use an email address or a seven year old.
Bro, I was making a joke about the 300 thing. No need to start calling people stupid. The point I was making is that at the time, it was sociably acceptable to do that. And it is becoming more and more socially accepted for youths to swear. When I was a kid, if I swore around my parents or my friends parents, my mom and dad made sure of how much they disapproved of my behavior. Now, I hear my nephew curse right in front of my sister all the time, and she doesn't think twice about it.
This isn't the world going bad, its the world growing up, and giving more care to the things that matter, and less to the things that don't.
Today the world is corrupt. But hear your point of of view. Also if I swore when I five, my mouth would of been full of soap. That was around 2003. I have actually swore at my brothers because there both a**holes. It's being more accepted, that the youth is swearing more often. Also the world is in demand for changes.
Yes i have. Polish Christains.