hmmmm.....dirt-melts at 7000 C (realistic? dirt doesn't emlt in the first place....) has textures like clst but brown in colors, can be a liquid about this? You have dirt. When you put elements (gas, powder or liquid) it absorbs it. Once it reaches 7000 C it explodes, sending all the tored elements out with max pressure (dirt is a mixture of stuff, after all.) .............. Whatcha think? :)
Well, liquid absorbtion is currently only available with spng, and even then just watr. I never said that it would explode just for kicks, that would be an effect of absorbing explosives. If dirt were to absorb different fluids, each could have an effect on say heat conduction or density. It could allow fluids to be stored in a solid potentially. Ill see if I can come up with some absorbtion ideas;
For each substance, the ground adds its color to the fluid and keeps in in its ctype:
Watr. Allows conduction, and can transfer watr to spng and gel. Becomes like psts when heated.
Dstw. Turns to watr when it is removed, allows dirt to stick like gel.
Sltw: soil turns white, water is removed. Salt stays in soil, and soil cannot grow things.
Desl: produces heat once per pixel when under pressure.
Oil: stays on top of oil, and if gas comes into contact with the soil, it automatically floats to the top without moving the soil.
Glow: makes soil darker, absorbs phot, and when it has absorbed enough, glows faintly. See grasses.
Yest makes soil tan, causes small purple pixles to form on surface (mushrooms)
Carbonated water will make the soil float gently, glowing a dull grey. Perhaps 1 or 2 pixels above where it was placed, even if the ground underneath is removed. (Floating islands)
Merc will make the soil conduct electricity, but the soil will become dull grey and the merc cannot be removed. Kills grass and living things (stkm)
Exot could produce a soil the flashes, and reacts with electrons 100 percent of the time to produce a brief gravitational pull. No push is created
Bvbr makes soil react violently with exot, forming a small pressure wave, elec, and a tiny bit of heat.
Nitr: explodes when heated, when irradiated makes desl
Deut: ground has random chance to let neutron through, like gold. Will react like deut but weakly.
Uran: will glow green. Not reactive to pressure.
Plut. Will react to neutrons, but also breaks down slowly and releases neutrons.
Pste. Soil has chance to move, or stay put. Essentially creating a semi solid.
Wax. Resists watr, smokes when heated. Nothing grows.
Perhaps good ideas.
Dust: will make the soil light and fluffy, floats like dust. Not flammable.
Stne: makes soil half as dense as stne, and when heated produces lava which turns to stne.
Bcol: smokes randomly, faintly glows.mostly for special effects.
Acid: ground slowly decomposes, burns other substances.
Now for growth. Plants growth is currently fugly and could get messy pretty quick. Perhaps ground would slowly shade to green the closer it is to an empty block. When these live blocks are heated, the grass would turn black. To add life, the following cpuld be implemented:
If has radioactive, grows spotty brown grass
If wet with watr, grows green grass
If has glow, grows purple grass that gives off purple particles with small amount of glow.
Soil with a ctype of dest will explode and be used up when it is sparked
Btw, I am typing on a phone, and I have tons more to add regarding reactions with solids and uncorrupted elements, but I will update this when I have access to a computer.
I just sorta used this to get my thoughts down, forgive the messyness.
Yep. :p I was really afraid of losing those ideas
Edit: why is no one responding to my micro essay? Jacob1?
Yes, dirt or soil or whatever the helll it is does need some theme. So fluid absorbtion, just like real soil, and it could act as a filter or whatever. I just can think of a way to remove substances from it other than heating. Would high velocity impacts be prectical? Pipe? Negative pressure? I forgot to add that soil ctype watr should freeze solid when cold. So that's a thing. To whoever created this thread: im sorry if I took your Idea and ran in the completely opposite direction than intended. But I think that a filter element that would have hidden properties could be cool.
yes, jacob I know it is.. unlikely that is why I am asking for the support of others.
I like the idea of the plant growth and I do agree it is kind of messy, so, referring back to my original idea of for use with plant and wood, I really meant for growth of "trees" by the plant being organized when it touches WOOD and growing along WOOD only when it is touching enough DIRT with WATR inside.
also for PLNT, if it were in contact with any DIRT storing WATR the PLNT would grow along DIRT resembling "grass" with stacks of PLNT one pixel high alternating with stacks two pixels high etc.
I am busy with work most of the day so i am not able to respond until around this time. sorry.
I am the one who created this thread and I think that it is completely fine that you're helping out with this idea. Honestly, I don't care if I get full credit for this Idea or not
I revised the "Exploding glass that sets off other explosives" part along with its melting point:
Melting point: 7000 C
NOW for the exploding glass the only thing I could really think of when it comes to that would be the mix of SAND, BGLA, and some explosive...
come on... I need more support for this... give me some ideas about what to do about DIRT
ok with the tree idea, if wood was given a random stock value tmp that could be the height of which it could gorw along the x axis, for width it could be double or more the width of the original size of the pixels added in the dirt. when it reaches the limit of height it may stop and will grow vine out the top at some random volume. with grass, it depends if it was going to be single clumps of grass or a thin layer over the of dirt it wouldnt really matter but what would matter is the way as to which value you will use when determining how far and how much it will grow.
For tree:
It would be the model of a pine tree so if the WOOD were to be in a straight line up and down touching DIRT. For example, originally you put a piece of WOOD six pixels tall and one pixel wide. You then saturate the DIRT with WATR and wait until it grows. The first two pixels of WOOD touching the DIRT would not change, but then for the 3rd pixel, the WOOD would grow PLNT up to five pixels wide. for the fourth and fifth pixels, it would grow up to three pixels wide. the sixth or top pixel would be left alone.
For Grass:
When anything grows on DIRT, it will require the DIRT to be saturated with WATR. When something grows whether it be grass, tree, or anything else, it will use up the WATR saturated within the DIRT. Anything will grow as long as there is still WATR in the DIRT, so, in answer to your question about the length of growth I will explain in directions as to how to grow "grass"
1. place DIRT.
2. place VINE touching DIRT.
3. saturate DIRT with WATR.
4. VINE grows along DIRT in formations alternating between 1X1 pixels and 1X2 pixels tall, using WATR and continuing provided there is WATR.
*For steps 2 and 3, you can switch and it will still work
well with other people's suggestions I can make it better and you saying that isn't going to help. I know it was rejected because it didn't do anything "fantastic", but that's what I need other people's suggestions for. like they say, "two heads (or more) are better than one"