New elements and features!

  • greymatter
    10th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @hittox (View Post)
    @Michael238 (View Post)
    I meant at least moderately high radioactive stuff, like plutonium,uranium, radium etc. Otherwise several things in this world, including ourselves is slightly radioactive.

    And a banana can hurt people by a)slipping on it's peel, and b)Attracting mosquitos towards you.(Myth, not proven yet).

    @Complexeption (View Post)
    "Thank god he didn't say TPT needs sound.."

    Adding sounds for everything that can happen in TPT will not only increase the size of the game to unimaginable amounts for such a software, but also it will blow away your subwoofers and your eardrums when you run a moderately powerful fusion nuke or lightning spam saves.
  • Catelite
    11th Jul 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    It doesn't really look like the original poster has really looked back here at all.


    For features, I suggest putting a microscope view. Like pressing Z to use zoom, you should be able to press M to use microscope. When in microscope mode you could see 3x3 atoms and molecules. So if you break an atom by using a breaking tool (another thing to consider), or erase at least one piece, instanly the object you broke will explode into a huge nuclear bomb, making the most powerfull bomb ever.

    >It's already possible to create single-particle ready-made nukes that explode instantly or when desired, creating a new element for this purpose is redundant.

    For elements, first dirt, just like powder, but turns to mud with water, and is slightly heavier than dust. Mud is wet dirt, its really a liqiud but is thick almost like a powder.

    >This is basically what PSTE is. You create it by mixing clay dust (dirt) with water (water.)

    I think there should be quicksand, what you create when you set the ctype of sand to mud. It will sink stkm,powders,and fighters if they stay in it for more than 5 seconds, there will be no escape.

    >Elements purely for the purpose of stickman interaction have never gone off that well, and this is not likely to change anytime soon unless it's something exceptionally unique. A stickman trapping mechanism can be easily built out of doors, and a map game utilizing enough liquids for this to be effective at this point would be nearly too slow to play on. Stickman already has unique liquid physics.

    If you look it up from correctly from the internet, diamond can actually melt and break, its not really indestructable, in case you didn't know, but then again you probaly did but wanted something indestructable that wasn't a wall.

    >This is a Falling Sand game. In Falling Sand, without a "reacts with nothing" element, the game is sorely deprived of many useful mechanical applications. It prevents us from building walls, etc. For an in-game IRL equivalent of what you're describing that doesn't -burn- like IRL diamonds would rather than melt, see QRTZ.

    Photons laser are pretty complicated, maybe it would help if you added laser as an element to make it extremly hot as soon as it comes on screen,instead of heating the photons up. It also dosent leave the line, so when you set it together, a single particle won't leave the line. Some people like cold photon lasers, so you should add cold laser too.

    >It only takes nine particles to make a functioning laser. About twenty to make a laser that melts everything it touches. Most people fill their maps with thousands and thousands of particles just for appearances in spite of lag, and everyone knows how to copy and paste. I don't see this happening, especially with how much overlap we already have with Powder Game.

    Nuclear waste. It would be green and glows and would poison stkm at normal tempature. Nuclear waste would, mutate stkm into superheros, with flying powers, laser vision, could not be changed with dropping elements on him or prop, and incredible health, and he would grow more and more with water, until he was two inhces tall on the screen at high tempertures, it also give him an awesome cape and plasma and fire resistance. At low temperatures it would mutate him to turn a nasty green color and would shoot out acid, same rule with superhero, he would also have two heads. Sadly, no super health,capes, or flying.These effects will also, work on fighters, but instead of superheros they will become supervillans, with cold laser, and half the health.

    >This is essentially what EXOT is, as far as random bizzare effects on other particles go if BIZR isn't going to count as its original 'nuclear waste' counterpart. It's unlikely another similar element just for more stickman functions, which already gain almost no developer interest in retrospect.

    One more suggestion, seeds to grow trees( just wood and plant, shaped like a tree),flammable!

    >This is workable if we used some sort of -really- elaborate CA set for making trees, but otherwise we already have vines and wood, specific trees are going to be redundant and they're not going to please anyone unless they're mind-numbingly impressive.

    Please consider moving solids!

    >No. It's a CA game. Moving solids is workable but not remarkably useful.

  • candorgen
    11th Jul 2013 Member 0 Permalink


  • jacob1
    11th Jul 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    probably cellular automata (?). I know we had a long discussion about it on irc and me and savask agreed that it wasn't, but I can't remember exactly what we said. It's just a game though, doesn't matter what you call it.

    Anyway, I think every single post has said no, and Catelite just gave a ton of good reasons why, so:

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