I still await the introduction of convection. This would open up so many possibilities and be a huge leap forward in realism. Just because it would break some saves does not mean it should not be implemented. Besides you could make it so that you can toggle convection so that if you need it off for a system to work you can just turn it off.
@qaddosh(View Post) Next time you decide to attempt insulting somebody at least make sure you know what the hell you are talking about. If you were not a moron you would realize Ambient Heat and Convection are not the same thing. Now get off the powder toy forums and go back to whatever it is that dumb people do (aside from making ignorant comments on forums).
@JoshinatorKy(View Post) Next time you assume I'm insulting somebody, make sure you know what you're talking about before you insult somebody. Convection is the is the movement of molecules through fluids or air which often transfers heat during the process. We have heat and ambient heat. Stop making assumptions and you'll go farther in life.
@cctvdude99(View Post) This is why you're one of my faves, cctv. Don't let that get around, though. People might think I care. ;)
As for game feedback, I want to say that I am loving the changes to the frame drawing so we don't have to wait for the frames to draw so much. At least, it seems like there have been changes in that regard. Maybe it's just my eyes. TPT has come a long way and I want to thank all the devs that had a hand in it.