Well, there is also the VENT element, and a 2H2O explosion might get the pressures up close to the new limit.
I will change the pump limit, forgot to do that last time.
Yes thanks, also, N2+PHOS=GUN. I am currently working on coding evolution from gasses to amino acids and dna to small life forms to plants and stickmen.
They are almost the same thing, so I don't know about that, maybe in a later version.
A brief suggestion. There should a slight modification to HYGN fusion so that it produces the very short lived isotope helium-2. This isotope would last only for a few frames before either turning back into two HYGNs, or turning into one DEUT emitting a positron in the process.
But what is the point if nobody will notice it?
Thank you sulfer is yellow btw!