Hm, maybe protons could be a 10% chance like electrons (I remember reading that off the wiki) from fusion? I dunno, just something to accomodate for all subatomic particles.
I do confirm that cold lasers produce a lot of protons through hydrogen, however, it consumes the hydrogen, so it doesn't last forever without clone.
Hm. Experimenting with the phot+hygn=prot again. I guess the reason the protons scatter is because something is reflecting the photos. I see some photons coming out that are deviating from the main beam and loads of protons are going in that direction too, however, there is a beam of protons that goes straight, so it looks like only a portion of them are reflected.
Beta 89.0.273
-- New testing --
Protons seem to travel in all directions like they normally do, but that doesn't explain the photons.
Test with this save in beta:
I thick that's how you do it... not sure though... Been a while since I posted a save to the forums.
I was kind of expecting this to happen... I mean logically when you have neutrons and electrons you're gonna want protons. I just never really thought of the properties it would have.