
  • jacob1
    20th Sep 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Are people actually making any SING with this? I need to make it more rare then ... I was never able to get any SING to be created although I was using ACEL and not GPMP.
  • The-Fall
    20th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I cant make very much. It takes an extremly large volume of protons to get any SING. 

    I was only using GPMP and I rarely was able to create even one particle.

  • ramoman
    20th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i was able to creat a sceen full of it easy actually it is that easy try a gpmp at -256 in the shape of a hollowed out circle circle and then put the protons in then feed the SINGs till they get bigger. I've een managed to do it with a circluar  black and whitehole (seperate). also try a 0 degree gpmp and then put a bunch of protons on the screen.

    Edited 2 times by ramoman. Last: 20th Sep 2013
  • Box-Poorsoft
    20th Sep 2013 Banned 1 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • lunaxiii
    21st Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     I have attempted to get the protons to react with each other at high speeds, it seems to be broken. 


    under the heading //collide with other protons to make heavier elements//


    the code makes sense, but it doesn't work? Or am I just failing to get them moving at a high enough velocity?


    How do I make them go faster, then?




    I've tried a few different methods, can someone who has successfully achieved a prot-prot reaction please explain to me how I can accomplish the same result? It seems to not work. 


    [edit again]


    I've attempted all the methods listed above, none seem to work at all. The only thing I can get the protons to react with is electrons. Can somebody give me a step by step (if they're willing) of how to achieve these prot-prot reactions? I'm very interested in the functionality.

    Edited 2 times by lunaxiii. Last: 21st Sep 2013
  • the_new_powder99999
    21st Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    What if protons were attracted to electrons? you could use that to make sensors or communication devices, or maybe homing lasers. what does everyone think about that?

  • LiquidCaesium
    21st Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I managed to create SING with protons by using RPEL.

  • ramoman
    21st Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    wait technically if we were to give uranium 2 protons in real life wouldn't we have an unstable negatively charged plutonium particle so will we have uranium trun into plutonium or will it be left like that.

    NOTE: this isn't the only possible reaction with protons EX: protons+hygn=NBLE(helium).

    I'm not supporting this Idea I am just throwing it out there.

  • sandstorm
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    ooh, do protons make uran become fissile like plut O:

    That should totally be added, but make the results of the reaction be like wierd and stuff. hmm. howabout when prot goes through uran, it produces heat, negative pressure, and brmt. Idk, just a thought.

  • fireball5000
    22nd Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm able to create a bit of SING with GPMP. But even so I have to use a ton (4000-8000 pixels) of PROT to make a bit (300-400 pixels) of SING.