Jacob1's Mod

  • warnerd
    15th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    For some reason my FPS isn't showing for me. it has the gray box there but it's empty. How can I fix that?

  • basiliotornado
    16th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    theres a bug where if you replace anything with ball it will crash

  • hax4life
    2nd May 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    BUGREPORT: the deut + prot reaction(nope not the neut one) changes PWHT's temp somehow,not sure if same happens with neut

    EDIT:when ANY prot passes trough PWHT it changes temp,not with gravitrons tho

    Edited once by hax4life. Last: 2nd May 2016
  • warnerd
    2nd May 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    nevermind, FPS is showing now. I must've pressed D

  • jacob1
    4th May 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    @basiliotornado (View Post)
    Well BALL only works when created with the mouse anyway, the fix would be just making sure you can't do that.

    @hax4life (View Post)
    That's actually a feature of PROT which isn't specific to my mod. It can change the temperature of insulators or other electronics that don't conduct heat.
  • tmo97
    4th May 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jacob2
    4th May 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    @tmo97 (View Post)
    I actually wanted to add a setting sometime to prevent you from being able to change the right click element (or well, lock it in place really). I'm not sure if we need a keyboard shortcut to reset it to 0, but when I get home I can write you a script to do that (just need to find a free key, maybe shift+something)

    I don't even have a middle mouse button, alt+click should simulate it though. Although I might have broken it, I'll check when I get home and maybe fix it.

    I'm very busy this week so hopefully I have time to work on my mod. I've been kind of wanting to continue with more work on it but then I can't decide whether to work on my mod or the website and then i do nothing ...
  • jacob1
    5th May 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    @tmo97 (View Post)
    There, that was super easy
    function keypress(key, nkey, modifier, event)
    if event == 1 and key == 'm' then
    tpt.selectedr = "DEFAULT_PT_NONE"

    Also alt+click is working just fine as a middle click replacement, I tested it.
  • tmo97
    6th May 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jacob1
    30th May 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    Version 33.6 Released!

    Version 33.6 5/30/16
    Allow DRAY to copy energy particles. Fix crash when sampling lua elements that haven't been properly defined. Fix occasional freeze on exit. Add MIX tool by simon, from tpt++. Fix DRAY not copying energy particles. Fix 'character' arg in lua keyup event (tpt++ fix).

    The freeze on exit was *really* annoying me, so I finally fixed it. I didn't see any bugs report about it but I assume it affected other people at least occasionally ...
    It also fixes a few bugs breaking some saves that work in tpt++. And adds the MIX tool.

    Also, I made some changes and rebuilt the build server (pretty normal for vagrant, I can build it anywhere). The OS X version is now packaged as a .dmg, also the gpl license is packaged in now.

    Download Version 33.6 for Mac OS X 10.6+
    Download Version 33.6 for 64 bit linux.
    Download Version 33.6 for 32 bit linux.
    Edited 3 times by jacob1. Last: 30th May 2016