Jacob1's Mod

  • jacob1
    1st Jan 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    Can you make it so Ctrl+S allows you to save like in the default game? I always use that in case there is STK2

    No. Ctrl+S is a useful shortcut that lets you save the current tab, basically creating a reload point. I use it a ton when making saves.

    The shortcuts right now do seem a bit wrong though ... in my mod it is currently this:
    No STKM2: 's' to stamp, ctrl+s to save
    STKM: 's' for STKM2, leftctrl+s to stamp, rightctrl+s to save.

    Probably ctrl+s should always save, maybe ctrl+shift+s to stamp when STKM2 is out, idk ...
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 1st Jan 2016
  • zeppedy
    8th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)


    I would like to ask a question, there are people like me who like to add several scripts with several new elements to it, but one thing very "frustrating" that is called "hotbar" or invintário the game, it's ... like me I say, do not have enough space to fit all the elements, not to mention the search bar is somewhat 'disorganized' because you have to search for the name of the element, but it could also search like an internet site : you will going down the page to find what you want. Bottom line: I gosteria the inventory of TPT were more spacious and inves to be willing as a list, but rather out of a grid, and the elements of research is more "complete".

    That stupid that my opinion was even to be a question, but a suggestion ... (until I mesmome mistake ...)

    Edited 2 times by AwepergonTrollolol. Last: 8th Jan 2016
  • jacob1
    18th Jan 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    Version 33.0 Released!

    Version 33.0 1/17/16
    Fix clicking on "next page" in the save browser opening a save instead. Improve save / thumbnail download speed, make sure pending downloads don't cause freezes on exit. Fix WIND tool corrupting the pressure grid and causing crashes. Change the update server to http://starcatcher.us/TPT/. Update internal script manager to 3.5 to fix restarting issues. Fix DLAY delay for real this time. Many simulation updates from tpt++ and other changes.

    The update server has been moved off mniip.com to here: http://starcatcher.us/TPT/. This server should hopefully be more reliable, mniip's server goes down a little too much for my liking ... The upload speed on starcatcher is a bit slower though. You can browse all the update and log files here: http://starcatcher.us/TPT/mod

    My mod is now built on starcatcher too, using the same build server as the tpt++ snapshots. Everything is fully static (which means the Linux builds should be easier to run too compared to when I did it myself). The new build server shouldn't cause many problems, the new downloads are a bit larger though.

    I won't put the new update into the mniip.com updater for a few days, so if you don't see the "new version available" button pop up don't worry. I just want to make sure everything is working before moving.

    Also, the new version will automatically turn update checks back on, I think. The old version had two possible "update" servers, one mniip.com, and one for mniip.com's ip (to avoid DNS requests). The only options now are on and off, since starcatcher's DNS shouldn't fail when it goes down, and also DNS or internet failures don't lag startup on my mod anymore.

    Download Version 33.0 for Mac OS X 10.6+
    Download Version 33.0 for 64 bit linux.
    Download Version 33.0 for 32 bit linux.
    Edited 2 times by jacob1. Last: 22nd Jan 2016
  • Omega29
    19th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks! The next page issue really was annoying

  • jacob1
    22nd Jan 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    Version 33.0 is now live on the mniip.com update server. Once you update, that won't be used again and you'll be moved to the new, better server. The new server supports custom notifications, I guess that is fancy.
  • Sandwichlizard
    22nd Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    when I updated it removed TPTMP script.  

  • jacob2
    22nd Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    @Sandwichlizard (View Post)
    I think I had the same issue but ignored it ... Try downloading it from the script manager for now, probably a bug.
  • jacob1
    23rd Jan 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    I updated the mac version again, this should fix it not starting for most people. I think my previous compile setup had SDL embedded into powder-x. Now, it is packaged into the Frameworks directory, but it had no idea where to find SDL.Framework. It is fixed to use a relative path now.
  • 123me
    28th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Could you fix noble gas? (Doesn't work like in unmodded TPT)

  • jacksonmj
    28th Jan 2016 Developer 0 Permalink

    @123me (View Post)

    Details of how it is different to unmodded TPT might be helpful. :P

    Edited once by jacksonmj. Last: 28th Jan 2016