@plead-for-destruction (View Post)
you is mean
you cant simply say not to do something if you dont know how to
if the person just started something new
im pretty sure when you started
tpt you were just like me,asking stupid questions that everybody knows
you are no help at all
I dont understand the steps could you try to exlpain the steps a little better please. Thankyou.
P.s. I dont want to bother you.
wat the heck is a green light????
(then one person hosts and the other person joins the hamachi IP.)
@talhaa6 (View Post)
"nor learn to do it"
if you can't learn to do it don't do it until you can learn!
its like trying to learn advanced Year 12 mathematics in pre-school
The tpt.shortcuts was required before, no matter if you returned true or false, tpt would still trigger it, but it isn't needed anymore.
I updated the script now for the new version. I was beginning to rewrite the whole thing anyway, so maybe I'll work on that again soon.