The bottom is source code, I don't think it matters which windows (I used the second one, vc8)
Well duh he's awesome.
That's some high thing "stable"? i get a reasonable 100 ms (ping) on Ace of Spades...but i think this *should* work.
The ping is going to be a lot higher than a normal ping, because this ping is going through with other data, it may get buffered before sent, and it may take a bit to actually get read and respond, and held up again on the way back. It's only worst when drawing (on my LAN, it gets 5-10 idle ping, 200 when drawing) which I think is normal. It doesn't feel laggy at all if you try it. Before I buffered the sends, even a 1fps difference would slowly cause the slow client to get WAY behind, and pings 2000+ easily. So it limits sending to the other clients FPS. It's also very light on data usage (less than 600bytes/s drawing)