Version 32.3 12/16/15 Fix profile viewer not working on save preview screen (ctrl+click a username). Fix being able to zoom in off the edge of the screen by resizing the zoom window (can cause crash). Fix PROT life constantly decreasing into the negatives. Fix flood fill on normal particles also deleting photons. Fixes to shift+WIND tool drawing. Improve save browser, should freeze less now. Cancel mouse drawing when starting a zoom window. Fix possible voting issues / improve error messages. Fix crash when loading SPRK with huge ctype. Fix some text in the options menu.
Probably should have updated this sooner, but I was pretty busy with school and other things. The bugfixes weren't as urgent as some of the previous updates. The profile viewer one was a bit annoying to me though ...
@ChargedCreeper(View Post) Oh, too bad I didn't see that issue with the next page arrow until now. You should have reported it in the bug reporter instead of editing your post a few hours after I already read it. I use the scrollwheel to change pages so I guess I didn't notice.
@Omega29(View Post) You actually can (besides glitches that may mess it up). ctrl+shift+click an element button to favorite it and it will always be pinned to the list.